Not a question, just wanted to tell the staff that you did a great job making this platform. We all need other sharing the same struggles as us to interact with. I signed up for the blog as well and I like its simplicity. Once again thank you for this.
Do consider posting more about kids as we parents need every bit of help
Thank you Sarah. This was our target when we thought about developing this platform. We feel that the diabetes community need that kind of place where they can learn, support and interact with each other to lift each other up. Also the fact that people with diabetes and parents join others sharing there same challenges is very important, as some people feel that they are going through this alone, but in reality there are more than you can imagine. That is why we want to bring everyone here on this forum :) We are currently running a campaign called parents vs type 1, it is all about supporting parents to manage their kids. Stay tuned to the posts.